Jul 21, 2005

The Brotherhood

The sessions today were less than spectacular. They were okay, but not quite as good as yesterday - except for one (taught by the guy from yesterday). Since they provided lunch, we were in the Caesar's Complex the whole day - I didn't leave there until almost 8:00. Of course, that was because I had dinner with a minister from a church plant out here. It was great - the food was good and the conversation was even better.

I had never met Dwight before tonight - we had exchanged emails over the last couple of weeks. He was a co-worker of a friend of mine that I went to school with years ago. We decided to have dinner tonight since I was in town. The really interesting thing is how well we got along and talked. You know how amazing it is when two Christians get together? There is a bond between brothers in Christ that even when they don't know each other, or haven't seen each other for a long time, there is sweet fellowship. The Spirit connects believers in a powerful way. In many ways, the bond between the brotherhood of believers is stronger than even blood relations. I have relatives that I have never seen, or that I have not seen in years. We all have been in family situations that are uncomfortable. There are even times when being around family is not very desirable.

But the sweet relationship between brothers in Christ is so much different. You can encounter a believer from the other side of the world and have an instant spark. I have felt that with ministers in Australia and Canada. There was a common bond and sense of purpose. And there is always something to talk about - because there is always work to be done. And even when that work is done, there is somewhere in common we are all going. I have heard the Gospel described as a scarlet thread that runs through history. It also runs through the hearts of all believers, tying us all together with a bond that will never break. Quite an unexpected lesson to learn in a place like this. More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. We have no relatives in this state where we live but we have lots of family! I don't think I could stay here without family.